General guidelines

1. The proposals that are sent in must be original and related to Political Science and Public Administration topics. Such proposals must not have been already published, submitted for review to another publication or partially published in any other scientific, national or foreign journals. Likewise, the author (s) must acknowledge that there are no previous commitments or financial obligations to State or private organizations that could influence either the content, the results or the conclusions of their respective publications.
2. The submissions must be of a scientific nature. Opinion or journalistic documents will not be accepted.
3. The proposals can be articles, essays or book reviews.4. The author's name must include the most relevant information from his curriculum: academic degrees, institution, nationality, current occupation, telephone (s), address and email.
5. Articles can be written only in Spanish or English.
6. The reception of a proposal does not automatically imply that it will be published.
7. All the collaborations are submitted, at first, to an editorial review, which consists in verifying the content and its compliance with all the established guidelines.
8. Once the editorial review is approved, the disclaimer of originality is signed. The authors of the proposals must remit (physically or via e-mail) the disclaimer (which is available on the website of the journal) along with the signature of the author (s).
9. The proposals that have been approved in the preliminary stage will be sent to two – pairs of certified academics, who will anonymously determine the following decisions: a) Approved and it will be published as is, b) Approved once minor modifications have been made, c) On hold and could be published if certain substantial modifications are made d) Rejected. In case of a controversial decision, the proposal will be sent to a third evaluator, who will determine if the submission will be published or not. The results will be sent to the authors and it will be final. There will be a 30-day period to turn in the proposals with their respective corrections; otherwise the proposal will be dismissed.
10. The proposal can only be sent three times for corrections. If this number exceeds, then the proposal will be rejected.
11. The approval of the proposals is determined by the number of collaborations that are pending on the waiting list. Espacios Públicos will keep the authors updated about the process of evaluation and edition of the proposals in each phase of the process.
12. The arbitration system relies on the internal and external advisers. These advisers that are affiliated to Espacios Públicos are professors and researchers with national and international prestige. The approval system is an objective system that ensures the confidentiality between the author and the evaluator in order to assure the impartiality of the decisions. Such system is based on double-blind review and the Editorial Board will safeguard the results.
13. Espacios Públicos must be published every quarter in accordance to this calendar: January – April May – August and September – December. Every volume will be comprised of 8 articles and a book review. All of these proposals have been previously approved for publication. In accordance to the criteria of content of this publication, Espacios Públicos reserves the right to advance or postpone the publication of certain approved proposals.
14. Once the proposal has been approved for publication, the author (s) must relinquish their intellectual property to Espacios Públicos so that the article and other materials can be reproduced, published, edited, set and transmitted publically in any form or medium, including the Internet through Open Access. Also Espacios Públicos is committed to the publication of their quarterly publication through printed, electronic, optical and any other medium for scientific, cultural, educational purposes. This effort is pro bono, which means that no profit is expected from the dissemination of the scientific content that is subscribed to Espacios Públicos. The authors of the proposals must remit (physically or via e-mail) the letter of Transfer of Copyright (which is available on the website of the journal: along with the signature of the author (s).
15. The proposals must be delivered in Word documents in a CD-ROM, along with a printed version or an electronic version of the file attached in an e-mail.
16. Espacios Públicos holds the rights to modify the content of the proposal in order to accommodate certain redaction changes and editorial modifications that are deemed appropriate.
17. The original documents and materials will not be returned.
18. The reception and process of approval will not be paid by the authors of the proposals.
19. The Editorial Board of Espacios Públicos will solve all of the issues in relation to the general guidelines.

Articles and essays

1. Every article or essay must have a discursive methodology that includes the following sections: title in original language and English, name of author, abstract in original language and in English, keywords, introduction, conclusions, proposals and / or recommendations, as well as the bibliographical sources.
2. The maximum number of authors per proposal is four. The first name that appears on the proposal shall be deemed as the lead author and/or the following will be the coauthors.
3. The proposal must be between 15 and 30 pages in length.
4. The format of the proposal must be the following: Times New Roman, 12 points with a 1.5 spacing.
5. The inclusion of headings is recommended every two pages or so. Titles and subtitles may be amended by the Editorial Board. An epigraph at the beginning of the proposal is not accepted.
6. All of the articles must include an abstract of between 100 and 150 words, which shall state the purpose, methodology and main results or conclusions. Five keywords must be aggregated as well. The abstract and keywords will be presented in the original language and in the English language.
7. Acronyms must be defined the first time they appear in the text with the definition and the acronym inserted in a bracket. E.g.: United Nations (UN).
8. Notes and footnotes shall be used for explanatory purposes and should not be used to indicate or refer to bibliography.
9. Graphs, charts and diagrams shall be sorted numerically (in Arabic numerals) according to the sequence of appearance in the text and the reference source (figure or caption). The format of these objects must be in the JPG format and processed in grayscale (black and white), without any highlighting or additional textures. None of these objects shall come from a source that is not the author’s. Tables and graphs shall be submitted in their original format. Photographs will be accepted in exceptional cases. The author(s) will have to acquire the copyright permission to reproduce elements produced by a third party; therefore the author must also send a letter from the third party which indicates that his graphs, images or schemes may be used.
10. The references used in the proposal must go according to the Harvard citation system. They must be presented in the following format: last name, year of publication: page or pages. The citation must be enclosed in parentheses.


  • Citations: "The county council was the most interesting institution, including those established by the Spanish Constitution of 1812" (Benson, 1980: 11).
  • Benson mentions that "The county council was the most interesting institution, including those established by the Spanish Constitution of 1812" (1980: 11).
  • More than three authors (Alvarez et al. 1990: 23).
  • If the citation refers to the whole idea of an author, then the year of the publication must be enclosed in parentheses: Benson (1980) states that the viceroy was slowly excising his constitutional mandates...
  • If the author has more than one publication of the same year, then the publications should be listed alphabetically and distinguished by a lower case letter after the year: (Uvalle, 2003a: 90) and (Uvalle, 2003b: 75).
  • In the case that a citation of a newspaper does not have the name of the author the citation must have this structure: Newspaper, date: section page. (La Calle, 08/03/2002: 3C). If there is an author, then the quote must be as follows: (Carmona, 24/06/2003: 6 El Nacional).
  • Laws or legislations: Author, year: Article (IFE, 1999: Article 15).

11. The referenced bibliography must be cited alphabetically and shall be listed; only the bibliography cited must be included in the document. The Harvard system must be implemented in the following order: Name(s) and full name, (year in parentheses), title in italics, edition number, place, publisher.


Benson, Nettie Lee (1980), The county council and the Mexican federalism, 2nd ed., Mexico, El Colegio de Mexico / LI Legislature House of Representatives.
Alvarez, Norma et al. (1990), Reform of the political system, Mexico, Diana.

Institutional documents:
Name of institution, year, title and city.
UAEM (Autonomous University of the State of Mexico) (2002), Incentives Programme performance of teachers, Toluca.

Aguilar Hernandez, Philip (2001), "The university and the professions of the new millennium", Journal Public Spaces, Year 4, no. 8 Toluca, UAEM, Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration, pp. 231-249.

Name of the newspaper, brief date, title, city, country.

La Calle, 24/06/2003, "Will Demand deputy prosecutor Emilio Ulloa mexiquense defamation", Toluca, Mexico.
Carmona Soto, Aida (2003), "Espacios Públicos achieved an international presence" in La Calle, June 24, Toluca, Mexico.

Author, year, name of the law, city.
IFE (Federal Electoral Institute) (1999), Federal Code of Electoral Institutions and Procedures, Mexico.

Debbasch, Charles et al. (1985), Dictionary of Politically, Bogotá, Ed. Themis.
Oxford School Dictionary (1996), Mexico, Oxford University Press.

Encyclopedia of Mexico (1987), t. 9 Mexico, SEP.

Electronic documents:
Author, year, title, media type [online, CD-ROM, magnetic tape, diskette], place of publication, publisher, date of publication.
Monterroso Salvatierra, Neptalí (2000), "The participation of civil society in the management of forest resources" International seminar-workshop on participatory methodologies for sustainable forest development [CD-ROM], Peten Guatemala, 3-7 April.

Author, year, title, date of appointment, availability and access.
Medina Salazar, Julian (2003), Historical Overview, s / f at http: //l48.215.9-2/his.html, accessed October 16, 2003.

Works by the same author and year:
If the same author there are several references in the same year, specify the year followed by an alphabetical order.
Uvalle, Ricardo (2003a), "Professional Service and the New Public Management in Mexico" Memorial Forum professionalization of public service in Mexico: towards innovation and democracy, Mexico, Gargoyle Editions, pp. 89-90.
Uvalle, Ricardo (2003b), The ethics of public servants, Toluca, IAPEM.

For reviews:

1. Book reviews must be related to Political Science and Public Administration publications that have been at the most two years old before it gets published by Espacios Públicos.
2. Book reviews submitted by a single author will only be accepted.
3. All book reviews must be between 5-10 pages in length. The format of the book review must be the following: Times New Roman, 12 points, with a 1.5 spacing.
4. The book review must have a different name from the book, which the review is based on.
5. The author must attach the cover of the book in a JPG format file and another file with the following information: title of book, author (s), year, publisher, country, number of pages and ISBN).
6. All the book reviews will be selected by the Editorial Board according to the quality and relevance of the themes of the book.


All of the proposals must be delivered to the following address: Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Cerro de Coatepec, Ciudad Universitaria, Toluca, Méx, C.P. 50100. Tel. (01-722) 2131607 or 2150494. All messages or documents must be forwarded to Ma. Cristina Reyes Montes. e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Last Updated (Tuesday, 26 February 2019 01:23)